Abstract Submission Details
7th April 2016
Deadline for abstract submission!
Abstract submission closed!
Abstracts are invited from all participants for oral and poster presentation. All abstracts should be submitted in English and sent electronically via the Online Submission Form before 7th April 2016 (midnight CET). Abstracts can only be accepted via on-line submission.
Notification on acceptance/rejection of the abstracts will be emailed by mid May 2016.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the European Thyroid Journal.
All abstract presenters must register and pay the registration fee and are committed to make their presentation orally or stand by their poster.
Submitted abstracts should not have been previously published!
Abstract Layout
Abstracts should clearly state the following:
- Presenting Author’s name and full contact details, plus name and full address of co-authors
- Abstract Presentation title
- Conference topic to which the subject is most closely related and state whether your abstract is clinical or basic
- Please state preferred presentation form of abstract, i.e. oral (including submission for the Young Investigators Session [< 35 yrs]), poster or no preference.
- Do not include author names in the title or body of your abstract as the reviewing process is “blind”– you can enter the names online in the designated areas during the submission process.
- The abstract text should contain no more than 300 words (including numbers and symbols) and should state the objectives, methods and results and conclusions of the study. Case reports should include introduction, case report and conclusions.
- Abstracts must be written in Arial font size 10 with single spacing.
- One table per abstract is permitted. Each table should consist of no more than 10 rows x 10 columns. After generating and editing the table you have to position it into the abstract text! It is not mandatory to include a table into your abstract. Figures are not permitted.
Authors are allowed to appear on more than one abstract, but as first author on no more than one. Submitted abstracts should not have been previously published.
How to submit your abstract
- If you are submitting more than one abstract you can use the same login for each abstract.
- If you are a first time user you must register your details with the submission system, after which you will receive a confirmation email. Enter your chosen login details and you will be taken to the submission process screen. If you want to submit a new abstract you should click the Abstract /hand in your abstracts box on the screen.
- Abstract submission is a multi-step process. Please read the instructions carefully. With each step you will be asked to complete the questions asked, some of these are mandatory. Your submission cannot be successfully completed unless all mandatory questions have been answered. If you have to break off part way through the process your submission will be saved temporarily until you return and complete all the questions. When you log in again you can click on your incomplete abstract and continue submission. Please do not start a new log-in with the same abstract.
The abstract can no longer be modified once the abstract has been successfully submitted. Abstracts not completed according to the above instructions, cannot be accepted.
Abstracts will be evaluated by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reserves the right to change topic title and presentation type of accepted abstracts.
The author is responsible for submitting a correct abstract; abstracts containing errors in spelling, grammar or scientific content, if accepted, will be published as typed by the author. Poor English may be a cause for rejection.
The abstract titles will be proof read by the members of the EC before notifications are sent, please adapt accordingly in presentations at the meeting.
Topic titles for each abstract
- Thyroid gland development
- Thyroid function regulation
- Thyroid hormone synthesis
- Thyroid hormone receptors/mutations
- Thyroid hormone transport
- Thyroid hormone metabolism/deiodinases
- Thyroid hormone analogues
- Thyroid hormone effects on metabolism
- Thyroid hormone and the cardiovascular system
- Thyroid hormone and the brain
- Thyroid hormone and the bone
- Thyroid hormone and reproduction / foeto-maternal unit/pregnancy
- Thyroid function in children
- Thyroid hormone and development
- Thryoid hormone and gene expression
- Thyroid cancer pathogenesis
- Thyroid cancer diagnostics
- Thyroid cancer therapeutics
- Animal models in thyroidology
- Genetics in thyroid disease
- Medullary thyroid carcinoma
- Nuclear medicine/imaging investigations
- Epidemiology of thyroid disease
- Iodine deficiency
- Autoimmunity
- Graves' orbitopathy
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Subclinical thyroid diseases
- Goiter and nodular disease
- Non-Thyroidal Illnesses
- Environmental factors and drugs affecting thyroid function
- Case reports
- Other